Thursday, May 8, 2008

Manage the risk - don't ban the device

That is the message in this smart article that starts off being about NYC's cell phone ban, and ends up imparting some very useful information about how to use web 2.0 technologies in the classroom.   

I initially thought this piece would go in a different direction, and point out the dangers of banning a device that has become the first place one would go to broadcast (via text message) an urgent bulletin.  It's morbid to even consider, but when I learned about the ban on cell phones in NYC public schools the first thing that came to mind was:  what if (god forbid) something like Columbine or Virginia Tech happened?   I want our schools to make use of the simplest, clearest means to convey information to people - information that should be coming from a legitimate, informed source.   But, as far as I know, there is no such system in place or even in development.

The core of that idea comes through in this article - let's plan the messages (the content) of what is being delivered, instead of trying to control the devices.  The devices are going to change and morph a million times, and they are useful conduits, but it's the message that is truly important.