The study reveals that 73% of TV-online multitasking kids are engaged in "active multitasking," defined by Bethesda, Md.-based Grunwald Associates as content in one medium influencing concurrent behavior in another. This trend represents a 33% increase in active multitasking since 2002. While kids are using more media, their attention primarily and overwhelmingly is focused on their online activities.I must admit - I do all those things. I also go online while reading, especially the newspaper. I have to create the links even when I'm not dealing with new media.
According to the study:
• 50% of 9- to-17-year-olds visit Web sites they see on TV even as they continue to watch
• 45% of teens have sent instant messages or e-mail to others they knew were watching the same TV show
• 33% of 9- to-17-year-olds say they have participated in online polls, entered contests, played online games or other online activities that television programs have directed them to while they are watching
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Multitasking media mongers
A new study updates us on how many forms of media a child can consumer (or produce!) in one sitting: